Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The future of CSF... (maybe)


In case my handwriting is hard to read, here's what everything says:
"Hello Erlenmeyer?
What's keeping them from responding?
Was it something I said?
Did they disappear forever?
Did something bad happen to them?
Where did they go?
Did they die? (It's just a guess, calm urself)
Does it have to do with their parents? (likely)
Are we done?
What's going on...?!?
Did they simply forget their laptop?
and what's going to happen with CSF?
goodbye opportunities... :^("

So recently, when it comes to CSF, I haven't been very happy with it lately. Not mad, more sad.
So back within the first few days of this month, I rediscovered Color Soul's creator on this chat service called Telegram. And it was all okay up until around a few weeks ago. I sent them messages, but they won't respond. The worst part is, I have no fucking clue what's keeping them from responding. Which leads me to jumping to conclusions, even to some pretty bad ones.
The scary truth is, I may not ever get in touch with them again. Man, I just want to cry just knowing that...
And you're probably wondering, "Techno, what exactly does this have to do with CSF?" Well, since the person I've been worrying my ass off at is Color Soul's creator, and some of our friends just happen to be the creators of most of the other characters, I just cannot help but not want to think about this project, because it will remind me of this stupid mess, and will make me want to worry.

I'm just honestly at the point where I wish I don't want to be a part of this project. I just want to forget about it. You're probably also wondering, "Techno, don't you still have art to upload?" Sadly, yes, that's true. So I will try my hardest to get everything uploaded here, until I have nothing else to upload.
If this mess gets an update:
If it's a positive update, then I will continue to make art and other content for CSF.
But if it's a negative update, then I will put CSF on a hiatus, and probably call it quits, meaning end this project for good. 
It's too bad though, because I liked bringing back this project, and I liked drawing the characters way back when, in the days of 2017 and 2018. Sure, I did make a lot of art of these characters (especially Color Soul...), and the fact I've known these characters longer than I've known the Console Ponies is really something as well.
I wish I didn't have to think of CSF this way, but sadly that's just how my brain works. :(
So if there ends up being an update (either positive or negative, or surprisingly both) then I'll post about it on this blog. Until then, take my sad and clueless rambling of a post.