Saturday, December 19, 2020

Something I'm scared about with this project

Okay, so a lot of the OCs that are used for Color Soul 'n' Friends obviously aren't mine. And I'm scared that someday, one or more of the original creators are going to find this blog and are gonna be pissed with me.
But I have properly credited the original creators before. And if necessary, I will continue to do so, except for my ponysona and Charity because I created them.
And trust me, I have seen art thiefs and other stealers claiming stuff as their own when really they steal other people's art and characters. I know not to do that, because not only can I properly make art, but I also know it's bad and can get you in big trouble.
And I promise not to wreak these characters as well (meaning drawing NSFW out of them, or killing them off)
So there's a little heads up here. ^^