Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Other blog

 Also, I have another blog. It's for the Console Ponies project that I mentioned in the last post.

Here it is! ^^

Just to let you know...

Okay, I know that a lot of the OCs in this project (expect for Pony Jaylynn and Charity) AREN'T mine... I made up Color Soul 'n' Friends because I just LOVE these characters. But are they mine? Expect for the 2 mentioned above, NO!

I made this project for fun. I didn't think it was going to get this far in time (and I didn't expect a 2020 revival) but much like what my bestie and I are doing with the Console Ponies (another project I involved with). What do the 2 have in common? Ponies, characters mostly not owned by us, and I work on them. 

Most of the CSF characters we're created by ColorSoul-Drawz (formerly ColorSoulMLP) (Color Soul, Trinity, Paradoxic, Dull Soul, Garrison, etc.), Bijou-Le-Kitty (Nightlight, Pipi-Chan and Andie) and Galaxy-R0S3S. (Cotton Candy)

Lemon Splashes and Galaxy Glisten belong to SongbirdSerenade.

Sketch Pad belongs to Paladin360.

And Cerulean Diamond and Honey Bubble belong to a long lost family member of mine. (Long story... Also, Honey actually belongs to a friend of hers. Both Cerulean and Honey were drawn by that same friend. I just gave Cerulean a eye color, cutie mark, tail and name. Because the family member's friend never gave said features to that pony. Honey Bubble was drawn in full though.)

I'm sorry for any possible trouble with this project. ;~; I swear this was made for fun!!
